Friday, December 27, 2013

December Update

Not been to productive since the last post but have spent more time in the Lancashire area - Southport - Marshside -Mere sands etc.
Parked up at Marshside, walked 1/2 way to the sea, then realised the keys were still in the car, can't print what someone said and called me, so phone the AA and wait.

 Above photo's show what the weather was like so not to many photo's taken but here are a few

The next week found us at Mere Sands but it was not brilliant here either, did get a few Heron shots though.

                                                             plus this sunrise on the way

Boxing day was just a wander resulting in a few views

 The year is not ended yet, so we may get a few more days out before then, if the weather will play ball, the last picture is one I managed to get last Sunday, when the Sun did decide show it's self, in between showers and very dark windy bits.



  1. You have taken some really dramatic scenic shots Neil.
    Guess you got back in the car eventually and I don't see any "Blue" in the air.{:))

  2. Waited about 1/2 hr in the rain the AA were really good. Sold the car now and bought another one !!!! not the cars fault.....Happy new year Roy.

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