Saturday, May 04, 2013

Marton before the Bank holiday rush.

Something to do with me not being a fan of crowds, led to a trip to Dave's photo emporium today.
Mixed weather  am led to a good pm, all the regulars were present and correct.

Take a visit to my Picasa site if you want to see the rest..


  1. Hi Neil..I like the 5th one cute little bird and the colors are so soft!!
    The Nuthatch photo is a great one with the rusty barbwire!!
    Pheasant on tree stump made me chuckle...don't know why haha!!

  2. Thanks Grace, I had a couple of good days.. Hope you are well.

  3. hi Neil,
    Wow you sure have a great selection of birds in my area we dont have pretty birs like you.

    Nice takes.

  4. Grandes imágenes, de estos animales
    Un gran saludo de un seguidor

  5. Lovely collection of images Neil, especially the Goldfinch and Nuthatch :-)
